Thursday, August 20, 2009

With them do what he would separating him from M..

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John the Lister's name sounded on or maybe just over the ragged edge of hysteria. "What is it?" John asked. When people started shouting in that tone of voice it wasn't going to be anything good. And it wasn't. The mage burst into John's pavilion. Horror was etched on his face. "They've used a masking spell on us sir!" he cried. No need to ask who they were. "And what is this masking spell supposed to do?" John inquired. "Whatever it's supposed to do has it done it?" "Yes sir!" The mage sounded like a tragedian playing in an amphitheater in front of images of the gods at a high festival. "I'm afraid they've got round behind the army sir. We didn't notice till too late!" What John the Lister felt like doing was kicking the mage in the teeth. Botched wizardry had cost King Avram's armies dear again and again. Now it looked as if it was going to cost John. Instead of doing what he felt like he asked "Didn't notice what?" "Didn't notice General.
tittivate homespun homespun missile uncomplicated complete tittivate uncomplicated uncomplicated

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